Review videos quicker?

Is there a way to quickly review videos? I have a lot of videos in a particular time frame and I am looking for an occurrence. It’s taking forever to get through them all!

Hey @Rattlesnake_Lady ! Check out our recently added Timeline feature which will allow you to seamlessly rewind and review all of the recent activity on one screen. If you are wanting to go event by event, log on to as the web browser event history might be quicker to use. :slight_smile:

Thanks! We’re very rural and catch some neat stuff on the cams!

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Feel free to share any of your awesome catches here! We love a good video :slight_smile:

Reviewing videos in video history is very slow! You have to press and hold on the down arrow as it scrolls down very slowly. Can’t you at least enter a certain date and it will present you with everything that was recorded that day?

Are you on satellite WiFi?