Best battery saving settings

Hoping to get some advice. I just installed 6 path lights. I have heard some people get great battery life while others not so much. What are some of the ways you can save? I have it so it only stays on 30 seconds and the light sensor threshold is at a 2. Right now it’s dawn to dusk- I am not seeing a way to have it go less time. Just wondering if there are settings I’m not messing with that can help.
thanks in advance.

Hi @Phreddyl. It’s important to get the most out of your Smart Lights battery life. This Help Center article here has some great tips and tricks for just that! I hope this helps! :smiley:

How do you disable the pathlights during the day?

Hi @Phreddyl. Try setting up a Light Schedule to turn the lights off during a specific time. This Help Center article here will show you how to do this. I hope this helps!

I don’t have the solar ones. The article you referenced seems that doesn’t apply to mine. The only option I have is dusk to dawn

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