How and where can I change the wifi setting on my base station?

Looking to change internet provider but can not find how to change the network unless I delete everything and start from scratch, surely there is a simpler way?

Hi @Looboss. To change the wifi settings on your Base Station, follow these steps in the Ring App- Menu > Devices > Alarm Base Station > Base Station > Settings (Gear Icon) > Network Settings > Change Network Connection. Once you have this selected, follow the on screen prompts. I hope this helps you.

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After changing the wifi name, I need to reconnect the base station. The above explanation doe not work because I don’t get the icons after “alarm base station”. Please help

Hi @user24214. In the Ring app, after navigating to the Base Station in your Devices list, you should see a Device Settings tile as long as you are the owner of the device. Tap the Device Settings tile, select Network Settings, and scroll to the bottom of the screen to see the Change Connection option. Follow the on screen prompts in order to change the network your Base Station is connected to.

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I changed my router which had previously separated 2.4G and 5G internal networks and auto appended “_5G” to the higher speed network’s name. The new router does not allow to separately name or control networks and as a result they share a common name.
This meant that until I figured out the cause, my Base Station would not connect but as it was ages since I set it up I had no idea why it would not go online and as User24214 stated, once I got to Menu > Devices > Alarm Base Station > Base Station, I could get no further… no Settings/Gear icon, because the station was offline.
So… if the Base Station won’t connect, the App will be useless and there is no point looking for that Settings icon there.

Thanks for sharing your experience @JL_McCormack. The steps will look a little different depending on if your Base Station is still connected to a wifi network or not. When the Base Station is offline, tapping Alarm Base Station from the Devices list should automatically prompt you with two options: Retry Connection or Still Can’t Connect. Choosing Still Can’t Connect will present the Join Network option, which can be selected to walk through the setup process again and choose your net network.