Stick Up Cam Motion Detection not working in Disarmed Mode

I have disabled the motion detection of my stick up cam in Disarmed Mode (atached). I was hoping that it would stop recording video when I’m using this mode. However, it’s still recording video whenever there’s a motion. Am I missing something here? Any help is appreciated!

Note: my stick up cam is located indoor.

Hey @hokiespirit. Are you still having this concern? We’ve been noticing a concern with device not accepting the Mode settings that are set for the device when in said Mode (Disarm, Home, Away). We did have a backend fix that should have improved this, and this feature should now work properly for you. Since you have ensured this setting is correct, please go back into the Dashboard, tap on another mode such as Home, wait a minute while in this other mode, and go back to the Disarmed mode. Once back in the correct mode, please walk in front of your device to see if the alert still comes through. Please let me know how this goes! :slight_smile:

I’m using stick up Cam and when I change to disarmed mode on my ring app it doesn’t do anything. I’ve tried disabled and enabled the modes again but it’s always on when after selecting disarmed mode on.

Called in and found Ring knows about this and as a few hours ago was working on it. I just checked mine and all seems back to normal.