Spotlight Cam Battery not charging with solar panel

Well, I complained when I had problems and so now I will note when I have solutions. I have had issues with the Spotlight Cam connected to a solar panel for months. I just could not get it to charge. It was not in an area of total direct sunlight for the entire day, but it was hit by sunlight for at least a few hours a day. Still, nothing. This week, we moved the solar panel by using extension cords we got from Amazon to move the solar panel to a location on a different side of the house that got direct sunlight for 4-5 hours a day at least. Well, today the charge went from 88 to 100 in a few hours (4-5). I am extremely happy and it seems my issues are over. My guess (and it is not based on any science) is that the Spotlight Cam for whatever reason requires more sunlight to charge them then the older Stickup cams. That’s OK. As long as there is a way to get them to work I am elated. Hope that helps!

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