Security Cams Feature Request

I have 4 cams all with solar power plus batteries and ring doorbell. I’ve been ripped off twice and all these cams do is show person walking up then they freaking stop. This is a quick sw fix to make recording length user option. It’s available in the wired cams. What a joke and waste of thousands of $$. Half the time when there is an alert it takes 30 seconds or more to load the darn live feed.<br>This RFE should be a p1. I see it’s been open since early last year. Clearly you don’t take our feedback seriously nor the security of our family and homes. I want a Ring Community Mgr to reply with a commit release and target GA date for this enhancement (defect IMO). Otherwise I’m switching to another vendor. This is a racket and anything but security. I’m furious twice robbed and can’t provide police anything of substance because the cams shut off and the worst is when they exit the cams don’t even detect the motion or if they do it’s like they are computerized and jump one spot and disappear. Can’t see which way they went or items they stole. Useless. I don’t recommend this product.