Security Cams Feature Request

There should be a way to completely auto disable indoor (and outdoor) cams when the alarm is disabled. At the very least disable the notification when the alarm is off.

Just like a motion detector on every alarm in the world is disabled when the alarm is turned off. I know you can snooze it, I know you can schedule it, this is not what I am asking for.

On my last alarm system when I come in the door, disable the alarm, all notifications were also disabled. I could choose which ones I wanted disabled as well. This is the most convient way to manage the alarm system. This way myself, my family and my dogs arent constantly setting off the notifications. Because we have mulitple devices that manage the alarm system, without this feature people who are not at home have to snooze the alerts.

Adding a feature to automatically disable notifications when the alarm is disabled would make this one of the best systems out there.