Outdoor Stick Up Camera's Battery keeps dying even with solar panel

Go to your stickup cam’s settings. Select “Device Settings”. Then select “General Settings”.

Look at “Power Mode”. It should indicate “Battery” mode. If it says “Wired” (or anything else), you should change it to “Battery” mode by tapping on “Power Mode” and tap “Switch to Battery Mode” at the bottom of the screen.

Having it set up in Wired Mode will drain your battery quicker because that mode has more extended/usable features. When you get it setup in Battery mode, I would suggest setting your video recording length no more than 30 seconds. Play around with motion detection sensitivity as well as Motion Verification to suit your environment. You may want to keep Motion Verification turned off if you don’t want video recording to end/stop prematurely. Also, you can play with Motion Frequency settings between “Frequent” and “Standard” to suit your needs. As far as Motion Schedule, I set up a daytime schedule to turn off motion detection because I’m home all day for the most part.

Keep in mind also that camera angle plays a big part for unwanted detections such as if you get too many by motion farther away than you want. (mine was picking up motion all the way across my cul de sac untill I aimed the cam downward more). Setting up “Privacy Zones” (only 2 can be set) I find to not be very effective in reducing motion detections.

And lastly, from my testing with and without the solar panel, the panel simply doesn’t work with the gen. 3 stickup cams…at least, not now. My cam battery will discharge about 1% every 24-48 hrs. with or without the panel. The panel has NEVER charged the cam battery even 1% on blazingly hot, sunny Texas days even with motion detection disabled for long periods. I sent my panel back to Amazon for a refund. I believe this to be not so much a problem with the panel itself but more with a firmware problem in the camera as a lot of stickup battery cam owners (as well as spotlight battery cam owners) weren’t experiencing this charging problem until after a few months ago from what I gather by reading comments. Leads me to believe a change in the firmware hosed the charging ability somehow.

But for now, my battery is holding a charge reasonably well (discharging slowly) with the way I have all my settings applied. Hope all this was helpful.