Live view not working on stick up cams 3rd gen though works for doorbell

Hey neighbors! Thank you for chiming in if you seem to have this concern, but please ensure that we are preforming all possible troubleshooting. When it comes to the Live View not connecting/working on the Stick Up Cam 3rd Gen, or any of the cameras, it may not work on one device while it works on another. This could be isolated quickly and directly with our support team here to determine if this is a device issue or a network issue. To see if you can nail this yourself, see below!

Some neighbors have found relief to this concern by doing the following to their network:

  • Switching networks for the device, whether this is from 2.4 Ghz to 5.0 Ghz (if possible for device/network to connect to)
  • Switching from connection to a router to a mesh system/Chime Pro/extenders and vice versa
  • Rebooting your router, ensuring that all ports and protocols are opened for the Ring devices
  • Ensuring you have proper speeds. Lots of neighbors during this time have noticed slower speeds because of the current conditions and changes to at home life
  • Disabling any VPNs

Some neighbors have found relief in this concern by doing the following to their Ring device:

  • Completely reset the device by pressing and holding the setup button for 30 seconds
  • Removing the device (after saving any recordings you may need) and then re-setting the device up
  • Testing Live View with device next to the router
  • Ensuring device is fully charged
  • Looking at Device Health and confirming RSSI is in acceptable range

Some neighbors have found relief in this concern by doing the following to their app:

  • Disabling VPNs on the phone
  • Removing the app, rebooting phone, reinstalling the Ring app
  • Trying the Rapid Ring app
  • Connecting to the app on wifi or mobile data only (testing whichever connection is not your normal)
  • Updating app/OS software on phone

If you’ve covered all of these to no avail, or would like that immediate assistance, our support team can also assist with more in-depth video connection troubleshooting.