Floodlight Cam snapshot not working

I may have a resolution for this Floodlight cam issue that I’m having.

First, note, that Ring deleted my posts in the Ring Doorbell section. These posts were factual, did not violate any of the forum rules that I could tell, and were there to help other consumers make informed assessments on what to do.

Here’s my most recent post to that forum:

"Let me help with a resolution on this matter.

Today I returned my Ring Video Doorbell Pro and for some reason, decided 1 more time to exchange it for a new one.

I installed the new one today, and noticed that the Firmware was 1.16.00263. I thought…gee, now I’m going backwards when my prior defective device was stuck on Firmware 1.16.00272. But, in under 5 minutes of having the new device installed, the firmware was updated and now it shows, “Up to Date”.

Guess what…I have Snapshot Capture now.

So based on my experience, the fix was to return the defective 1.16.00272 device and I was fortunate to have picked one up that updated correctly.

Now, was that so hard?"

So, given that my Ring Floodlight cam remains stuck at 1.16.00273 (just like my doorbell at .00272) - the solution was to return the device and be fortunate to pick one that performed the Firmware update upon installation.

The only challenge with this, of course, is that I don’t know how to determine which devices at the store will work or not.

I hope that these posts have been helpful to the community. Sometimes a little honesty and directness will go a long way.

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