Devices, poor experience and no customer service help. *Warning to all*

I apologize for the excessive rant. I’d like to say it wasn’t my intention to stir the pot, but I really just wanted answers to commonplace issues that simply could’ve & should’ve been resolved sooner. I will pull this post down here soon but I wanted to acknowledge the timely response given by the admin. Every area is different, so every service varies and my run of the mill happenings trying to reach customer support or have a continuing solid signal is only my issue and nobody elses, so it doesn’t reflect the company as a whole. But I would like to just add that yes this is a different email bc it began under my moms account which I eventually took over and transferred the rest of the subscription over along with. And that specific issue regarding videos was something I called in about when it was still under her email that I had access to but was in the hospital. And I reached out while in there to see if they could extend it by a week due to the subscription ending one of the days I was in there, so I had just realized at that point that it was ending and will disappear by the following day. It was bad timing yes. But prior to I did not know they disappeared from the server of the acct holder. So when they said they couldn’t do anything and I had to download the videos, I was laid up in the hospital attempting to manually do each one via my phone and unfortunately the rest is history.
That’s just an issue that I wish the company could fix or allow videos that are starred to stay on the acct holders cloud indefinitely, or just better yet the ability to mass select and download those videos. In the end this is an issue of mine, reflects my problems and nobody elses nor the company. Its merely a feature I wish they could implement so nobody in the future goes through the conundrum I did. Thank you admin for your response and demeanor toward my rash remarks.