Ring map

My address and neighborhood doesn’t appear right in the ring map. The address I put in is correct but it puts my gps location on the other side of town.

Hey @Justins! I recommend starting with removing and reinstalling the Ring app on your mobile device, and ensuring the location permissions are enabled.

If the location is still incorrect on the map, try the following:

  1. Start a new set up to create a new location
  2. When the new location is created, exit setup
  3. Confirm that the newly created location is correct in the Neighbors portion of the app (If not, repeat the location creation step above)
  4. Move your devices to the new location by going into the Ring devices’ settings and changing the location (or complete a new setup on the Ring device and select the new location)
  5. Remove the old location.

If this does not help to resolve your concern, feel free to reach out to our support team for more in-depth troubleshooting.