Notification volume uses ringtone volume

@TechGuy42 wrote:

@abqnm wrote:
Ring live view is a video call, so the notifications are technically ringtones, and in Oreo+, the system treats video calls as well as notifications differently. I really dislike having the notifications go through the ringtone channel too, especially since many phones have escalating volume with the ringtone that doesn’t apply to the notifications, and can’t be turned off (thanks Moto), making many notifications almost useless. But the OS is treating it as an incoming phone (video) call, so that’s why it’s ringing not notifying, so to speak.

Very well explained, thank you! This makes so much sense, but now I wonder if they can pinpoint how to separate to the notification channel

This would likely be something for the app developers, so hopefully one of the Ring community team members can forward the feedback on. It would definitely improve user experience if it used the notification channel for alerts. But I don’t know if it’s possible to switch without changing it so it doesn’t act as a video call.

But the notifications could use some updates anyway, like maybe a thumbnail of the image that triggered the event which you’d normally see when you open the app, briefly, before the app overwrites it with a new refreshed image because you opened the app. That would be so enormously useful.

Anyway, sorry I can’t offer a fix, but could at least explain it for you, and hopefully this will draw the attention of a community team member who can pass it along. Cheers!