How do I change the number of vibrations for a Motion Alarm Notification?

Thank you for sharing your experience with the Community @digitek! By design, your Ring app should notify per motion event, even if they are back to back. With the Ring Pro, you are able to have custom zones to fine tune what activity you’d like to pick up. If your entryway, or field of view from it, is an area frequented by visitors there are some other options to avoid excessive alerts.

While we believe more motion alerts are better than less, there are numerous settings such as Motion Scheduling, Snooze, the Motion Alert toggles, and even People only Mode depending on device type and subscription status.

If you feel the device is notifying your mobile device with unusual behavior, try removing and reinstalling the app, as well as checking on Ring and mobile device connectivity to ensure it is not connection related. There might also be settings specific to your mobile device model that might remind of alerts in this manner.

If you are looking to share your feedback on the current notification design, Feel free to add it to our Feature Request board. This will help us to organize and share your requests with our teams here, as well as allow other neighbors to comment and add interest, all in one place. :slight_smile: