From Android Ring App "LINKED DEVICES" cant link or unlink ALL ring products "camera, door bell

I am having similar issues as of 5-9-20. When linking other devices to a specific cam, the settings aren’t remembered at times and the popup shows “retry”. If you exit COMPLETELY out of the app, then make changes, they will be remembered, HOWEVER, you MUST exit COMPLETELY out of the app after adding linked devices to a specific device and do this for each one you want to setup.

I’ve also noticed when you go in to the linked devices setting in the app to just check your settings, those settings will appear to be carried over to the next device you look at, but if you close the app completely when you reopen, the correct settings will be shown. But again, you must close completely out of the app each time you do anything with the linked devices area, or you won’t get true display of linked devices. RING should be working on getting this fixed, as it’s clearly an issue.

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