Police notification

Hi everyone,

I recently purchased and set up my ring security system. I believe during the first week, it is in a practice mode and do not notify authorities when there’s a trigger.

I’ve past that week couple days ago. What happens now? Will Ring contact the police even if I make a mistake and the alarm goes off?

With my previous security system, there was a grace period so I could turn off the alarm without police getting notified.

Also with my previous alarm system, they would call me first. If I don’t respond, they would call the police.

How does it work with the Ring alarm system?



Hey @ArdaT. Did you make yourself the first emergency contact? You will want to ensure you are the first emergency contact and can verify what you have set up by going into the Ring app > Main Menu > Settings > Monitoring > and checking over who is set for the first, second and third contact. If you are set to the first contact, you should get the call!

When the Alarm goes off and starts to siren, this is considering “Alarming.” Once the Ring Alarm is alarming, there is a 30 second grace period before our Monitoring Company will call out to the emergency contacts. If you disarm the system within the first 30 seconds of the alarm sirening, you will not get a call. For your peace of mind, you can set up Confirmation Calls, which you can learn more about here. Hope this helps! :slight_smile: