Keypad Sound Stopped - Second unit

We are on our second KEYPAD in less that one year. The first KEYPAD speaker went out and sounded GARBLED. RING replaced the keypad since it was less that one year old. Now the second keypad has had the speaker go out completely, not sound at all. less than a few months after being replaced. They must have a MANUFACTUring issue with the speakers. Need help on getting the KEYPAD replaced again.

Hey @khughes2000! With the speaker no longer working for the second time, I recommend trying to reset this one. To perform a reset, unplug the Keypad and push the pinhole button in the back (paper clip needed). Please also move the Keypad closer to your Base Station to ensure it is not connection related. If this does not resolve your audio concerns, try reaching out to our support team for further assistance. Let us know how this goes! :slight_smile: