Interior motion detector field

Confused, is the detection field for a interior wall mounted motion sensor 180 degrees in plan view - or 90 degrees ? Seeing references on forums to both numbers. Thank you.

@Chan01 wrote:
Confused, is the detection field for a interior wall mounted motion sensor 180 degrees in plan view - or 90 degrees ? Seeing references on forums to both numbers. Thank you.

Hello @Chan01 ,

For the interior wall mounted Ring Alarm Motion Sensor is approximately 90 degrees total, so it can ‘see’ about 45 degrees to the left of center and about 45 degrees to the right of center. That is why the Alarm Motion sensor has very good coverage when mounted in the corner of the room.

There are also many other Ring devices that use Motion Detection, and they have different motion ‘field-of-views’ and many have modifiable motion fields-of-view. These include the Ring Doorbells, Ring Security Cameras, and outdoor Smart Light Motion sensors. This might be why you are encountering apparent conflicting information, when really they are referring to different Ring products that use motion sensors.

I hope you find this information useful. :slight_smile:

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