More or Custom Chime and Chirp Tones in the Ring App

@snigehere ,

The sound your doorbell makes is an App Alert Tone for your rings (doorbell button depressed), such as Ring Default, Antique Ding Dong, Ping Pong, Cowbell, etc. So mine wasn’t just meant for alarm system devices, but rather meant to have the additional “Custom” added to the list of available App Alert Tones where you could import your personal sound file into that “Custom” spot, for any Ring device, including the Chime & Chime Pro, and any device that has Alert Tone or Chirp sound selection list. So then it could be heard on your Chime/Chime Pro device, Base Station, and Ring App too. :slight_smile:

Many thanks too for the “Thumbs Up” on my Feature Request Board :slight_smile: :slight_smile: