Activate light more than 15 min

The app allows you to turn on lights and stay on for 1, 5, 10 and 15 min. It does not allow to extend it for more than 15 min. This feature is ideal if you want to turn on the lights at a specific brightness for longer period of time. My request is to add the ‘custom’ option so you can set the time. I understand that this is limited due to battery but still this should be the user decission. Thanks!


why are we limited to only 15 mins?? Terrible feature. Let me drain my battery if I so choose!

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Agreed. I bought a couple of these for patio lighting. It’s a little ridiculous that I have to reactivate every 15 min. Obviously this is not going to work long term so will have to repurpose which is sad. The battery has capacity to last about 20x that on my brightness setting. Give us control please!!!

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My lights that I want to control are inside house lights (120 volts) not battery! I need this feature to control my house lights when I am not home. This new feature is beyond awful!!!

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This is a new feature. I used to be able to click them on and they would stay on without issue. Now I’m playing this ridiculous game. I won’t buy anymore of their bulbs as a result.

Amazingly poor design that they limit to max 15 minutes from manual on.

Yes! I exactly need this. I have a large driveway without wiring. I want the light to be one dusk to dawn for safety and visibility. I don’t know why it would be an issue if someone wants to drain the battery and replace/recharge every week. That’s a consumer issue to choose ethe option.

there is a dusk-to-dawn feature already. you can set the timer to turn on and off at a certain time.