Ecolink Garage Door Tilt Sensor Shortcomings

I completely agree. I thought the idea of a garage door sensor was a great one. I had hoped it would help me avoid going to bed without realizing the garage door had been left open. However, with the status buried way down in the device section of the app, the sensor is nearly worthless to me. I would love to be able to glance at my dashboard and see that the garage door is open. Even better would be to have the ability to schedule a push notification if the garage door is left open after a user pre-defined time. For my own use, I might pick 10pm which is a time after which my kids/dog are basically done coming/going, but still before I usually head up to bed. I hate going outside in the morning to find that a garage door was left open, and better integration of the Ecolink Garage Door sensor would dramatically reduce the chances of that happening, thereby making my Ring alarm / camera system even more valuable to me.