Won’t reconnect

We had a power surge last night that knocked everything out, my doorbell will not reconnect to the wifi, have tried reinstalling just won’t have it any ideas?

The Ring app device health section will have an option to start the reconnect process for your Ring device. Most times when connection is lost, your Ring device should automatically reconnect once the network is online again. If it does not, follow the steps in this Help Center article to reconnect your Ring device.

As it sounds like you’ve attempted a setup process already, the best next step is to check power variables such as battery charge or power sources for your Video Doorbell. Next, reset your Ring device by holding the setup button for 20 seconds. Once complete, try reconnecting your Video Doorbell again.

If this concern persists, our support team is happy to take closer look for you. Please give our support team a call at one of the numbers available here. If you are outside of the US, please visit here to see how to contact support.