Why is the EVENT HISTORY TIMELINE gone in app update?

After much frustration with a Ring chat and a follow up Ring phone call, I have found out that the video event history timeline has been removed in this latest app update! This was THE BEST feature in the app. PLEASE bring it back! My Google search made it clear that this is not just an issue for me.

I know it’s still there hidden (but inaccessible), because when I rapidly open and close a camera link from the Dashboard, I will sometimes get an “error message” asking me if I’m trying to access the event history timeline. If I say yes, the feature comes back for that view only, but I can’t get that link each time. Beyond frustrating!

I was told by Ring support that we only have access to the “text” timeline lists, which are useless for what I need. Why was this feature removed in the first place? Everyone I know regularly used that feature.

This is a serious question. Is there a way to “undo” this awful update and get back the fully functional app that was replaced?

I’d try a full reinstall of the app. I have the latest iOS update of 5.47.0 and Android 3.47.0 and the Timeline still exists across all of my devices.

If this is an Android device you might first try clearing just the app cache before a full reinstall to see if it fixes it.

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