Stick Up Cam Elite says motion warning not supported

Have 2 Stick Up Cam Elite cameras (2nd Gen) and can only enable Motion Warning on one of them.
Both are PoE and say firmware is up-to-date.
Can’t be an app issue as it is not greyed out. When I toggle the Motion Detection button is when I get “This Ring device doesn’t support Motion Warning.”

Hi @Master_of_None. The Motion Warning feature is being incrementally rolled out to all devices. If you do not have it on one of your cameras, it will come in time. Thank you for your patience.

That makes no sense. How can it be rolled out to one specific camera and not the other of the exact same model at the same location?
Is this being done based on serial numbers? Because it’s not being done based on accounts when 2 out of 3 devices that I own have this feature.
Plus the fact that this has been giving me this “error” for 6 months tells me it’s not due to some “wait for it to rollout” excuse.

This is what I’ve been getting on this camera since at least April 2022, when my 2 other cameras (the other Elite cam and Doorbell) have been able to have this enabled.

So this ‘help’ article is complete BS because not only do I have an eligible device as listed, I also have the latest app version. And the camera firmware is exactly the same as the one that has this feature working.

Hi @Master_of_None. You can try rebooting your Camera from the Ring app to see if that helps. If you have tried that step and are still having the same concern, give our support team a call at one of the numbers available here for further assistance. If you are outside of the US, please visit here to see how to contact support.