Sharing a Video to One Neighbor

How do I share my video to one specific neighbor? It doesn’t fit criteria for community upload; however, a person in my video may match the attempted burglar in his video so I wanted to forward it.

Hi @DeclanR. There is not a way to share that video directly at this time, such as in a DM or something like that, but there is a way around this! If you’re unable to share this video directly to the Neighbor’s app feed or don’t feel comfortable doing so, you can share the video’s share link URL in the comments of the neighbor you are trying to get in touch with. You can get this URL by going to the event history for your Ring device, tapping share from the ellipses or the share icon at the bottom right corner, and getting the url from any of the share options (can copy directly from an email or text message share for example). This way you can pass on the information you feel is most important! :slight_smile: