Ring Pro stopped connecting

As is listed here, my device stopped working. Health check said power was good, but devise was not responsive and Pressing the side, “reset” button did not have any effect. Customer support had me hold the reset button down for 20 seconds and it did not revive the unit. I then did my own trial, and applied the iPhone type reset- By pressing and holding the Side Reset button AND the doorbell button at the same time, for 20 seconds, my Ring Doorbell came back to life! All good.

My ring stop working

My ring doorbell pro had WiFi connection problems. I removed the doorbell from my account and now I’m trying to reinstall the doorbell, but with no luck. My doorbell is not able to connect to WiFi cause the LED ring stays white continuously and is not changing to the walking ring with which you are able to connect to WiFi. Anybody some ideas?
No support in the Netherlands at this moment.

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I have this exact situation with a slow walking white light rather than a spinning white light. Did you eventually resolve your issue?