Hardwire motion light stays on

The light stays on all night even with no motion. I have the light turned off and on. I’ve checked various settings and can’t figure out why it won’t only come on with motion.

I get this from time to time and have noticed it seems to be bugs triggering it. When I go out to check it, there might be a spider web over the sensor or lights and hanging down to trigger the sensor. Also flying bugs will trigger it and they love those lights at night (thus the attraction of spiders putting up webs around it). Might not be your issue, but does tend to be mine.

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I have the same issue with my hard-wired security light staying on. It’s only a recent problem and I’ve had the light for a couple years. If it was the bugs triggering it, there would be a motion event in the timeline. However, that is not the case with me. The motion camera is not being triggered every time the light is on. The light seems to stay on and never turn off on its own. I feel bad for my neighbor who sees this side yard light on all night. I don’t regularly see this side of the house so I don’t always catch it when this issue starts up again.

Hey neighbors. Have you tried adjusting the sensitivity for your lights? The lights and the camera both have separate settings for adjusting the sensitivity for motion detection. Try adjusting your Light Settings to see if that helps.