Caméras de surveillance Ring
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too many notifications about connected and disconnected from solar source
I have 3 Stick Up Cam Plus-in model cameras (3rg Gen). These cameras are connected to solar panels. 2 of the solar panels do not have much access to sunlight. Because of this, the camera sends me UNPLUGGED notifications several times a day. It's really disturbing. However the charge is sufficient cat my batteries are always at 100%. Before, my cameras didn't send me these notifications and for the past few days they have been doing this repeatedly and it's disturbing. My account is: *********X@*********.com Can you stop this notification?
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31-10-2024 06:45:19
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Bonjour @user_a1d4c, merci d'avoir contacté la communauté Ring !Nous présentons nos excuses les plus sincères pour votre expérience. Votre vie privée est importante pour nous, et nous devrons accéder à d'autres détails du compte afin de vous aider davantage. Pour cette raison, nous vous demandons d'appeler notre service clientèle au +33805080454, (autrement : entre 8h et 20h CET, du lundi au dimanche.Hi @user_a1d4c0, thank you for reaching out to the Ring Community!We want to extend our most sincere apologies for your experience. Your privacy is important to us, and we will need to access additional account details in order to assist you further. For this reason, we invite you to call our customer service at +44 XXXXXX 5767, (alternatively: between 8am and 8pm CET, Monday through Sunday.
07-11-2024 12:42:46